Day 7: SATURDAY - In the Grave
Suggested Reading:
Matthew 27:62–66
After the flurry of events that happened in the days leading up to Jesus’ death, Saturday must have hit His followers like a brick wall. They believed He was Christ, the Son of God. Therefore, in their minds, He was invincible. How could the man they called “Lord” be in the grave? Surely they felt defeated.
Saturday was a mourning period where those close to Jesus cried out to God. Anger and confusion stirred in them because of the loss they experienced and the injustice Jesus faced. He was utterly undeserving of His punishment, and His followers must have felt as though death had the final say. Questions arose in their confused minds. Is this real? Was everything I believed a lie? How could God allow this to happen?
When pondering the Easter story, it would be easy for us to skip to Sunday in our minds because we know that there’s a happy ending to this story. But for the disciples… Saturday was very real. They were disappointed beyond their ability to comprehend. Their hopes were crushed. The unknowns left them unsure of what to do or where to turn. The long-awaited Messiah, their Rescuer, was dead.
Have you ever felt that way? Disappointed by a situation that didn’t turn out the way you planned? One that was completely contrary to everything you believed?
It’s easy to get discouraged in the middle of our story when hope seems lost and the promises of God are just beyond our reach. Instead of giving in to your feelings of despair, hold onto hope. Don’t allow yourself to wallow in self-pity. On your “Saturday,” stand up and praise Him! Why? Because we have the privilege of knowing what the disciples didn’t: HE is RISEN! Jesus conquered death and defeated the grave. Your promise will be fulfilled. Sunday morning is coming!
Matt & Jessica Stallbaum - EEC -