Why We Exist

We are an evangelical church on Cape Cod that preaches and celebrates the Good News of Jesus. We believe that our first calling and goal as a local church is to be passionate about worship. As we worship, God transforms us by the power of the gospel through the Holy Spirit. God also sends his changed people on mission to change other lives with the gospel. All for the glory of Jesus!

Our motto is Changed Lives, Changing Lives. God has changed us and calls us to participate in His change of others.


Our Mission

Osterville Baptist Church seeks to be a worshipping church, a transformational church, and a missional church to advance the glory of Jesus Christ on Cape Cod, in New England, and to the ends of the earth.

We believe that our first calling and goal as a church is to be passionate about worship. As we worship, God transforms us by the power of the gospel through the Holy Spirit. God also sends His changed people on mission to change other lives with the gospel. All for the glory of Jesus Christ!

Our Vision

We are called to advance God's kingdom on Cape Cod by inspiring, training, and mobilizing Transformative Leaders.

What We Practice 

What We Believe


The Bible

The Bible is the revealed Word of God: inspired, inerrant and the final authority for faith and practice.


The True God

There is one God eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


Jesus Christ and the Gospel

We believe in the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, His incarnation, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His death for sinners, His bodily resurrection from the grave, and His personal return from heaven.


The Holy Spirit

The ministry of the Holy Spirit is to convict, regenerate, indwell, baptize, enlighten, and empower all believers for godly living.


The Fall

People were created in the image of God, but as a result of sin are lost and powerless to save themselves.


The Freeness of Salvation

Salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ apart from good works and religious ceremonies.


A Gospel Church

The church is a spiritual body of which Christ is the head.



There will be a resurrection of the human body, the eternal existence of all people either in heaven, or hell, or in divine judgments and rewards.