Day 4: WEDNESDAY - Anointed for Burial

Suggested Reading:

  • Matthew 26:6–16

  • Mark 14:3–11

  • Luke 22:3–6

“What a waste!” The disciples were indignant about the woman’s extravagant outpouring of love to Jesus. They saw the dollars being poured out instead of the honor and sacrifice she was truly releasing. The disciples had a mere surface-level view of the situation, while the woman held a Jesus-level perspective. She didn’t see Jesus as just another person in the room, but as the only thing that mattered.

Every day, we’re tempted to view life with only our “natural” eyes. Like the disciples in that moment, we can easily take Jesus’ presence for granted. We give priority to what we want to do and accomplish and consider everything else a waste of time, effort, and resources. In reality, the only true waste in our everyday lives would be to not acknowledge Jesus, to withhold from Him all the time and attention He is due. A day without Jesus? What a waste! Jesus said in John 15:5 that apart from Him, we can do nothing; even our best efforts are worthless if they don’t include Him.

What’s interesting, is this is actually the third and final recorded time Jesus’ body was anointed in this way by different women. First, earlier in Jesus’ ministry, a sinful woman came into a Pharisee’s home to anoint Jesus’ feet with expensive perfume, wiping them with her hair and tears. Next, at Lazarus’ home in Bethany, his sister Mary again wiped Jesus’ feet with her hair and expensive perfume (six days before Passover). Lastly, only a few days later (two days before Passover), this unnamed woman we’ve read about today takes the beautiful alabaster jar of perfume and pours it out on Jesus’ head. These moments were recorded because they were significant.

Not only did this woman anoint Jesus for burial in that moment, but she will be remembered forever because of what she did. The cost of that alabaster jar was far outweighed by the legacy and example she left. It would have cost her far more to withhold her love toward Jesus. Each day, we have an important choice to make: Will we pour out our attention on His presence, or will we waste it elsewhere? Will we dare to take on a different (Divine!) view of our situations, or will we settle for what the world suggests?

When we give to God (whether in our praise, time, resources, etc.), our goal is to bless Him. Yet, the result is to Him blessing us. The more eagerly and generously we give of ourselves, the more we grow in strength, wisdom, and provision. What a good God we serve! 

So consider what “sweet fragrance” of sacrifice you can pour out over Jesus today. He is our faithful, ever-present Savior, who is fully worthy of our all, and He can’t wait to meet with you.

 Matt & Jessica Stallbaum - EEC -