Day 3: TUESDAY - Back to the Temple
Suggested Reading:
Matthew 21:23–26:5
Mark 11:27–14:2
Luke 20:1–22:2
John 12:37–50
On the heels of cursing the fig tree and flipping tables in the temple, we are now only four days away from the crucifixion and only six days away from His triumphant resurrection! Scriptures show us that on this day, Jesus headed back to the temple in Jerusalem to teach.
Jesus spent this time addressing questions from the priests and elders using parables. (A parable is simply a story used to illustrate a spiritual lesson.) Jesus often used parables to help describe heavenly concepts in a way that His followers could understand. In this particular portion of scripture, most of the parables He tells are directed toward the religious leaders.
The religious leaders in the temple had heard about Jesus. They knew who He claimed to be, but they want no part in agreeing with Him or believing what He said. They tried to trap Jesus by using scripture (which Jesus knows by heart, by the way). They challenged His authority. Jesus' response? Asking them questions and teaching through The Parable of the Two Sons, The Parable of the Tenants, and the Parable of the Wedding Banquet. They then tried to trap Him by challenging His allegiance and His belief in resurrection. They even continued to try and trap Him by asking, "What is the greatest commandment in the law of Moses?"
Jesus had an answer for every trap the Pharisees and Sadducees set for Him. He answered with grace knowing that every parable and every answer He gave would leave the religious leaders running in circles and escalate their hatred of Him. He knew what they were trying to do, and He knew what was coming.
As the scriptures continue, we find Jesus speaking to the disciples about the future—HIS future, about how He will be given over for crucifixion but after three days would rise again.
What's beautiful is that Jesus knew all that would unfold in the days leading up to His capture and crucifixion. He could have walked away when the religious leaders tried to trap Him. He could have stayed silent. Yet He chose to engage with them, even though He knew their animosity toward Him would only grow. He could see the end result—freedom and salvation for you and for me—and knew that it was all worth it.
Matt & Jessica Stallbaum - EEC -