An Advent Devotional: Seeing Jesus Through the Eyes of the Christmas Story Characters

A Message for Parents/Devotional Readers

You know, it’s funny. When we read Bible stories, we tend to view the characters as supernatural beings – heroes at the least and almost perfect people close to deities at the most. Neither is probably true. Oh sure, they accomplished heroic deeds and are worthy of admiration, but the truth is they were humans, just like us, with all our foibles and failures, fears, and worries. Maybe it’s time to see them for who they really are and learn from their experiences.

In this devotional, we take you through the Christmas story through the eyes of the story’s characters – from Mary and Joseph to the angels, shepherds, and rulers. Experience what it might have been like to witness firsthand the true Christmas miracle – Emmanuel, God With Us.

We want this to be a hands-on and very fun experience for everyone in the family, so we’ve included some ideas for family activities. Create Christmas activity cards with a fun seasonal activity that you select each day during Advent. Here are some ideas: Advent Family Activities

Finally, we’ve included ideas for you and your family to reach out to your neighborhood and community this holiday season to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We hope you find these ideas inspirational as you keep your family focused on the real reason for the season – Jesus.

It is our hope and prayer that by reliving those precious moments, you will gain a fresh and deeper understanding of why Jesus became a little baby in a manger; and what that means for you today.