Fasting and God’s freedom

Fasting is a means of seeing spiritual breakthrough for a physical or emotional problem as well as finding freedom from the besetting sins that affect our relationship with God. Today focus your prayers on those hurts, habits and hangups you need spiritual healing to overcome.

Scripture reading

Isaiah 58

Key passages

Isaiah 58:6 — “Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loosen the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?”

Fasting thought

“The Elijah Fast is not a common corrective device to be used for freeing yourself from minor habits. It is called for in severely negative cases of mental and emotional response. It often works because it is a discipline that builds self-discipline and self-esteem. But more important than psychological esteem, the Elijah Fast invites God into the problem. Then, in the strength of God, victory is possible.”

- Elmer Towns


Father in heaven, you are the great physician, you are the healer of my soul, you are one who grants victory over my emotional wounds that are the cause of my destructive thinking and debilitating habits. During my fast bring to light those besetting sins that hurt my relationship with you and my effectiveness in your mission. May I experience a new level of freedom and victory as I lean into you this day during my fast. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Take a few moment to journal what God had taught you today.