Sunday Services
Join us online or in-person at
8:30AM or 10:30AM
824 Main St. Osterville MA 02645
Current Series
We believe that our first calling and goal as a local church is to be passionate about worship. As we worship, God transforms us by the power of the gospel through the Holy Spirit. God also sends his changed people on mission to change other lives with the gospel. All for the glory of Jesus!
We hope that you can see OBC as a church family where we can serve and worship God together.
This is Our Story Vision
OBC has been telling God’s story to the village of Osterville for over 185 years. Community leaders tell the story that we are great neighbors. Updating the front-facing portion of our campus will reinforce both stories! We desire to renovate our campus to create a better welcome to our community.
We are a disciple-making church family that enjoys spending time together, so our lobby and multi-purpose spaces will have intentional space for lingering and connecting. We want to tell our family – new and familiar, young and old – we belong together! Our sanctuary will also receive a tasteful redesign with technical updates to help us better celebrate the story of what God has done for us.
We want to consider those inheriting the church in the next 30 years! Addressing practical, mechanical needs of the church will ensure they can continue our story. We also desire to invest in the next generation through discipleship by updating our lower level to provide a safe, welcoming experience for young families. The story we want to tell is that we love and welcome them!
To learn more, click the link below.